Exchange description
Cryptoexchange Binance - is a centralized cryptocurrency exchange. Introduced on the market since 2016. Country of registration - Cayman Islands.
The number of currencies available for trading is 287. The number of trading pairs is 860.
Including BTC/USDT
BTC/PAX etc.
The volume of trades in the last 24 hours was 10 199 814 520 $ (US dollars), which is 35.76% of the total trading volume on cryptocurrency exchanges, and by this indicator Binance takes 3 place.
Trading commissions Binance are equal: for a taker from 0.04%, for a maker from 0.02%.
The exchange provides derivative trading opportunities.
Margin trading (leveraged trading) is not provided.
The crypto exchange provides the ability to deposit / withdraw fiat currencies EUR RUB GBP USD AUD BRL UAH TRY ZAR.
Available payment systems
Visa SEPA FasterPayments MasterCard ADVCash Estana Payeer YANDEX.DENGI Papara Wire Transfer.
The exchange interface supports languages:
English Russian Deutsch Español Français Chinese Japanese Korean Turkish Polski Arabic Indonesia Ukrainian Croatian Nederlands Portugal Italiano Vietnamese.