BTC: 66 807.61 +1.29%
ETH: 2 515.88 +0.13%
USDT: 0.999175 +0%
Market cap: 2 176 747 336 475
US Dollar US Dollar USD
Euro Euro EUR
Russian Ruble Russian Ruble RUB
Pound sterling Pound sterling GBP
Japanese yen Japanese yen JPY
Singapore Dollar Singapore Dollar SGD
Australian Dollar Australian Dollar AUD
Canadian Dollar Canadian Dollar CAD
Swiss Franc Swiss Franc CHF
Chinese Yuan Chinese Yuan CNY
Bulgarian Lev Bulgarian Lev BGN
Brazilian Real Brazilian Real BRL
Zloty Zloty PLN
Украинская Гривна Украинская Гривна UAH
Южнокорейская Вона Южнокорейская Вона KRW
Турецкая лира Турецкая лира TRY
Мексиканский песо Мексиканский песо MXN
South African Rand South African Rand ZAR
Indian Rupee Indian Rupee INR
Дирхам ОАЭ Дирхам ОАЭ AED
Гонконгский доллар Гонконгский доллар HKD
Malaysian Ringgit Malaysian Ringgit MYR
Чешская крона Чешская крона CZK
Белорусский рубль Белорусский рубль BYN
Казахстанский тенге Казахстанский тенге KZT
Тайваньский доллар Тайваньский доллар TWD
Тайский бат Тайский бат THB
Аргентинский песо Аргентинский песо ARS
Market cap: 2 176 747 336 475
US Dollar US Dollar USD
Euro Euro EUR
Russian Ruble Russian Ruble RUB
Pound sterling Pound sterling GBP
Japanese yen Japanese yen JPY
Singapore Dollar Singapore Dollar SGD
Australian Dollar Australian Dollar AUD
Canadian Dollar Canadian Dollar CAD
Swiss Franc Swiss Franc CHF
Chinese Yuan Chinese Yuan CNY
Bulgarian Lev Bulgarian Lev BGN
Brazilian Real Brazilian Real BRL
Zloty Zloty PLN
Украинская Гривна Украинская Гривна UAH
Южнокорейская Вона Южнокорейская Вона KRW
Турецкая лира Турецкая лира TRY
Мексиканский песо Мексиканский песо MXN
South African Rand South African Rand ZAR
Indian Rupee Indian Rupee INR
Дирхам ОАЭ Дирхам ОАЭ AED
Гонконгский доллар Гонконгский доллар HKD
Malaysian Ringgit Malaysian Ringgit MYR
Чешская крона Чешская крона CZK
Белорусский рубль Белорусский рубль BYN
Казахстанский тенге Казахстанский тенге KZT
Тайваньский доллар Тайваньский доллар TWD
Тайский бат Тайский бат THB
Аргентинский песо Аргентинский песо ARS

Bitcoin (BTC)


66 807.61 +1.29%


1 320 947M 1 320 947 316 496 +1.29%
Share: 60.62% Market share: 60.62%
Position: 1

Volume 24 hours

2 606M 2 606M -36.68%
39K BTC 39 008 BTC -37.49%

BTC in circulation

19 772 409
Available 19M Available 19 772 409
Max 21M Max supply 21 000 000

Bitcoin (BTC) Charts

BTC Price Live Data

Cryptocurrency Bitcoin (BTC) - currency with it's own blockchain. Currency is available for mining. Capitalization of Bitcoin is 1 320 947 316 496 $ (US dollars), which is 60.62% of the entire crypto market capitalization. With a such number Bitcoin takes Rank 1 by capitalization. Total Issued 19 772 409 coins in circulation 19 772 409. Bitcoin price at 24.10.2024 - 66 807.61 $. Bitcoin turnover for the last 24 hours is 2 606 044 447 $ (US dollars). The number of exchanges where Bitcoin is traded - 35, including Binance Kraken KuCoin etc.

What is Bitcoin (BTC)?

Bitcoin is a digital currency (also called crypto-currency) that is not backed by any country's central bank or government. Bitcoins can be traded for goods or services with vendors who accept Bitcoins as payment.

The Bitcoin network is designed to mathematically generate no more than 21 million Bitcoins and the network is set up to regulate itself to deal with inflation. Bitcoins can be spent by initiating a transfer request from a Bitcoin address in the customer's wallet to a Bitcoin address in the vendor's wallet. As of this writing, one Bitcoin (also called a BTC)  is worth $104 -- but just as with stocks, the value of Bitcoins can fluctuate quickly. 

In the United States, Bitcoins are controversial because they can be used to anonymously transfer illicit funds or hide unreported income from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Bitcoin policy now requires transactions that involve traditional, government-backed currencies to be attached to an identity. 

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